Your Religion or Your Business!

Activists are no longer pursuing “gay rights,” but trying to push religious people to compromise their religious principles or give up their business. Refusing to support an activity, of course, is not bigotry against a person — but that’s something they refuse to be honest about.

Most of the sources for today’s episode can be found in the CJV press release we issued last week regarding the case in Be’er Sheva that I discuss herein. More information about Jack Phillips and his various legal battles is available from Alliance Defending Freedom.

Oh, and don’t miss the idiotic claim that I “compared gays to space aliens” — which appears alongside the slander that Jack Phillips “refuses to sell cakes to gay couples.” If their cause were just, would they need to lie about it quite so often?

Crisis Brings Out the Best in Some, the Worst in Others

Besides the dedication of healthcare workers and ambulance volunteers across the country (and around the world), we have seen incredible generosity. Elon Musk’s Tesla is manufacturing ventilators, using the patented design that the CEO of Medtronic’s Israel division is giving away free to save lives. The owner of the New England Patriots sent the team plane to China to pick up one million N95 masks, paying both for the flight and half the cost of the masks.

And yet we see the opposite, as well, such as using the crisis for a political agenda. For the left, this is all Trump’s fault, never mind that Dr. Anthony Fauci, described by the NY Times as “the nation’s leading expert on infectious diseases” and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, said the risk is “just miniscule” in mid-February — because the Chinese were providing false information about transmission of the virus. Let’s not forget that despite Politifact’s attempt to spin the obvious, Joe Biden responded to the ban on flights from China by calling Trump “xenophobic.”

Then there’s the media mocking VP Mike Pence for opening a meeting of the Coronavirus task force with a prayer (never mind that Congress opens with a prayer every day). We are supposed to believe the Samaritan’s Purse field hospital in Central Park is “controversial” because the organization is “anti-LGBTQ” (because they don’t believe a baker should be coerced into celebrating a gay marriage, but that’s besides the point). And then we were told Mike Lindell of MyPillow violated the First Amendment when he encouraged us to “read our Bibles and spend time with our families.”

If that’s not nauseating enough, we then have a New York Post article claiming that a firehouse is stricken with COVID-19 because of a “Hasidic community that largely ignores social-distancing rules,” never mind that, like every community, the overwhelming majority are observing the rules and staying home. The source of infection was a firefighter who defended his father when the latter was convicted of an anti-Semitic terror conspiracy — and who claimed that Hassidic teens sneezed on him when on one was watching, just days after a NY-based Muslim brotherhood supporter told Muslims to sneeze on Egyptian government officials. Apparently neither the NYFD nor the NY Post investigated the truth of Sattar’s accusation before reporting it as fact against the Orthodox community.

We should all aspire to be remembered for the great things we did during this crisis, and not, Heaven forbid, the opposite.

We’ll Get Through This, and Massie’s Massive Mistake

How do we get through the Coronavirus? A nurse gave very simple advice: “act like you have it.” Do everything you possibly can to not share your germs with others, because in so doing you will improve your own chances of not getting it if you don’t.

I also talk about Ben Shapiro and Thomas Massie, both of whom I respect, and their errors (on an entirely different scale) regarding this virus and the most productive approach. Unfortunately, and I do think it’s unfortunate, I think Massie ended his career in DC.

My Close Encounter with Coronavirus

As far as we know, the person who attended CPAC after becoming infected with Coronavirus passed his infection to no one while he was there. It nonetheless made for interesting times — for Senator Ted Cruz, who went into self-quarantine, and for… me.

In this episode we’ll discuss the media hysteria, the run on toilet paper, Sheriff Clarke’s unhelpful tweet and the real need to flatten the curve.

Pro-Choice, or Pro-Infanticide?

Last week the Senate tried to address two bills: the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Both failed on nearly party-line votes.

Although opponents claim the protection of children who survive abortions is unnecessary, the evidence clearly says otherwise. The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002 merely says that an infant born after an abortion is a human being, which allowed Kermit Gosnell to be convicted for first-degree murder. It does not prevent passive neglect. Do we really imagine those who wanted to practice “Partial-Birth Abortion” would be unwilling to see a child die on the birthing table?

See the Coalition for Jewish Values Statement on Abortion for the authentic Jewish view, which runs counter to what we frequently hear.

Bernie and the ADL: Dangerously Wrong on Anti-Semitism

Yashar Ali tweets about promoting Mike Bloomberg’s campaign; Ted Cruz makes a joke about Bloomberg controlling Bloomberg media; and Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL goes after Ted Cruz.

But when Bernie Sanders slanders AIPAC in a flatly Anti-Semitic fashion, Greenblatt says nothing.

This is not new, as Greenblatt reacted only when Kevin McCarthy said something about buying elections, but not when Elizabeth Warren did precisely the same thing.

And don’t miss the stunning results when Ami Magazine asked Orthodox Jews whom they trust to fight Anti-Semitism!

The ERA Frankenstein Monster

In this podcast I discuss House Democrats’ effort to resurrect the Equal Rights Amendment nearly 38 years after its timely death.

Articles referenced begin with CBS News on the House vote and a Washington Post article from 1981 on the expiration of the ERA.

See also the DOJ’s guidance on the expiration of the ERA, and the outrageous outrage from the left at Ruth Bader Ginsburg, for having the audacity to put the law first, and her own ERA advocacy second.

It is clear that the ERA would force taxpayer funding of abortions, and give men a constitutional right to use women’s restrooms. This would exclude women from sports competitions and scholarships, because biologically a person who gets regular doses of testosterone through puberty gets an insurmountable advantage.

Requiem for a Partisan Impeachment

In this episode I dive into the partisan impeachment — and offer three reasons, all found in basic ethics and American jurisprudence, why it should never have happened.

Two previous articles are referenced herein, both at the Daily Wire:

Supporting The President Is The Moral Choice

The Impeachment That Threatens America

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