The Unequal Equality Act tramples the Bible

Equality Act Scales

The “Equality Act” is anything but equal. It declares the Jewish Bible to be a bigoted document, and you to be a bigot if you follow it.

For example, it refers to “the sex stereotype that marriage should only be between heterosexual couples.” So Genesis 2:24 is bigoted, not to mention all the Jewish laws of marriage. It’s a straightforward attack on traditional religious beliefs, with a whole series of negative ramifications for religious groups and biological women.

The fact that it is likely to pass means that once again, the Democrats have made themselves the party of hate.

The Second Impeachment Show Trial, and AOC’s Panic Attack

As I thought it through this week, I realized that the Democrats are either terrified of the American voter — they don’t want them to have the option of choosing Trump, no matter how bad that would be for Republicans — or, alternatively, they know this is going to flop and they are hoping to use in in the future against Republicans.

I guess there’s a third option — they are so blinded by Trump Derangement Syndrome that they simply aren’t thinking rationally, which is as good an explanation as the first two.

And speaking of thinking irrationally, AOC had a panic attack in her office during the riots, which is nothing to particularly be embarrassed about. But then she tried to blame her panic attack on Trump, the rioters, and anyone who wants to tell the truth about where she was during the riots and how the media has lied about it.

Pro-Life and Freedom of Conscience with the Christian Medical and Dental Associations

I was the guest of Dr. Mike Chupp, CEO of the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, along with Dr. Jeffrey Barrows, their Senior Vice President of Bioethics and Public Policy, on CMDA Matters, their weekly podcast. With their permission I am passing it along to you as well. You will hear how heartening it was to them to hear a Jewish voice speak in favor of Biblical values, freedom of conscience, and even the divisions within the Jewish community.

It’s 2021, but it’s 1984

When what was fine to say against Trump is encouraging violence against Cuomo, you know that neutral standards have been abandoned.

In fact there are a series of things said by Democrats that were totally acceptable, far worse than what Trump said that supposedly incited an insurrection.

And the left has now explicitly censored opinions they don’t like, simply for expressing views against their prevailing Orthodoxy.

None of us are safe in a society where thoughtcrime, rather than freedom of speech, is the order of the day.

Ron Coleman on social media and silencing dissent

Ron Coleman

My friend Ron Coleman, a lawyer, was fighting cancel culture and social media censorship long before Twitter, Facebook and YouTube silenced the President, and Google, Apple and Amazon ganged up to silence Parler.

We talk about the double standards, the silencing of conservative voices, the inaction of judges — and lower courts ignoring Supreme Court precedent — and conclude with a surprisingly positive message for the future.

Violence, impeachment and censorship are all wrong

If any good will come out of the horrible riot at the Capitol last week, it will be unifying around the idea that violence is always wrong under all circumstances. Given the leftist narrative of the summer, however, there is ample reason to believe that they will persist in promoting the idea that violence is an appropriate way to express a grievance. They are placing their vendetta against the President ahead of their own agenda, much less the needs of the American People, and censoring (deplatforming) dissenting voices, which — according to their own rhetoric, and reality — only encourages violence to erupt.

Leftist Name-Calling Cannot Succeed

According to the left, Rabbi Ilan Feldman, Mort Klein and I are all “racist” and “Islamophobes.” By this math, Hadar Susskind, the President and CEO of Americans for Peace Now, is an Anti-Semite, and everyone associated with Electronic Intifada and the “Palestinian” cause is directly tied to the murder of Jewish children. That’s what happens when you distort what people say and engage in guilt by association to attack a person rather than address his or her statements. Listen to learn more.

I refer to my opinion piece, “The Jewish Left’s Warnock Whitewash,” Electronic Intifada honoring me among “The anti-Palestinian racists attacking Raphael Warnock,” and a previous interview I gave on Israel’s Nation-State Law.

Why Doesn’t the JTA talk to Hassidim about Hassidus?

If you want to know about Hasidism, shouldn’t you talk to Hassidim?

I was struck by the JTA’s article, “Rabbi Art Green says the Hasidism that lasts finds sparks of holiness everywhere.” I understand that the real focus of the article is Rabbi Green and his life of service to the Jewish community. I’ve never met nor, to my recollection, even heard of Rabbi Green before, so this certainly is in no way about him or even his scholarship.

But if the Jewish Telegraphic Agency wants to know about Hasidism, especially a “Hasidism that lasts,” shouldn’t they ask a Hassid? Why is it that Hassidism is seen as something to be studied from the outside, rather than encountered? YouTuber Peter Santenello visited Borough Park, Williamsburg and Crown Heights, and learned more about the Hassidic community — and how Hasidism is realized in practice — that one could hope to get from a conversation with a non-Hasidic, non-Orthodox Rabbi who is deemed “one of the world’s leading experts on Hasidic Judaism” in a world with over 100 actual Hassidic Rebbes that one could ask.

It’s astonishing. Please listen for more.

Jew-hatred on Campus, with Lauren Isaacs of Herut Canada

Anti-Israel isn’t the “new Anti-Semitism” — it’s the same old hate using its latest facade.

We talk about intersectionality, progressivism, and the endorsement of the Anti-Semitic hate group, Students for Justice in Palestine. And we talk about helping young Jews to understand their heritage, and the truth behind why they are hated.

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